Ask and answer

  • Q : How many days will it take for the goods to be sent after receipt confirmation?
  • Send immediately after receipt confirmation (send the next day after 14:00)
    It is usually delivered between the 6th and the 12th.
  • Q : Can you pay cash on delivery?
  • I'm sorry, but we don't accept cash on delivery. It is sent after confirmation of receipt.
  • Q : Ordered, but did not receive confirmation email.
  • The order confirmation email will be sent automatically by the system. Failure to receive orders more than 15 minutes after ordering is a possibility of incorrectly entering an email address or some kind of system failure. Please consult the customer service.
  • Q : What are the payment methods?
  • The payment method can only be "Paypal".
  • Q : Can I return it?
  • Please contact us as soon as possible in case of any damage, breakage and other defects in the goods received. Damage due to initial failure, receipt of goods different from the goods you ordered, etc., shall be borne by the company, otherwise by the customer. If there is any imperfection in the product, please take a photo and contact by email. Please let me confirm before sending.